Modelling of the perceived complexity of road environment in night time driving English Free Members only

  • Category Technical paper
  • Edition SIA
  • Date 10/07/2012
  • Author Nina Müller - Technische Universität Darmstadt
  • Language English
  • Type PDF file (540.43 Ko)
    (Downloadable immediately on receipt of online payment)
  • Number of pages 6
  • Code R-2012-02-04
  • Fee Free

The sudden appearance of a glaring object during night time driving, e.g. industrial buildings or billboards, can draw the driver’s attention from the actual driving task and therefore exacerbate the perception of relevant objects.

The goal of this study is the classification of the influence of disrupting factors including the traffic situation and the distribution of light sources, the determination of the consequences in the driver’s behavior and feelings, and finally to design a dedicated model of perceived complexity.

The present paper describes the design, conduction, and results of a field study, leading to a qualitative evaluation of influence parameters, which is the key experiment to finding an analytical description of perceived complexity in nighttime traffic.