Simulation of acoustic transfer functions inside a car cabin using ray-tracing: correlation status and an updated industrial viewpoint Free

  • Category Technical paper
  • Edition SIA
  • Date 05/29/2023
  • Author A. JUND - Stellantis
  • Language French
  • Type PDF file (2.04 Mo)
    (Downloadable immediately on receipt of online payment)
  • Number of pages 5
  • Code R-2023-03-02
  • Fee Free

In the past, asymptotic methods like raytracing have been used to simulate acoustic transfer functions between car panels (e.g. windshield) and passenger’s ears in the high frequency range (1kHz to 10kHz). Here the numerical assessment of transfers between point sources and receivers is considered. This study was motivated by the need for a digital tool for decision support during the early stages of vehicle design. The aim of the developed methodology is to quantify the impact of interior style and absorption concepts on acoustic performances such as sound system quality, ventilation noise or even insulation potential. The development of this type of methodology follows a well-established process within STELLANTIS. The progress made in terms of numerical/physical correlation throughout this study is illustrated by means of a global KPI.

The best correlation level achieved so far is depicted through the comparison of calculated and measured transfer functions. Few open-ended questions, from the authors’ perspective, are addressed. Finally, some practical implementation points that make this digital tool accessible to different user profiles are highlighted.