International Conference : Converge Application Workshop : Hydrogen



Convergent Science, in partnership with the University of Orléans, is delighted to announce the 2024 CONVERGE Application Workshop: Hydrogen! This event will highlight the potential of green hydrogen as a fuel for sustainable transportation systems. A series of technical presentations and keynotes will offer insight into the research and development of innovative hydrogen technologies taking place in France and around the globe. The CONVERGE Application Workshop will be held on May 15 at the University of Orléans, followed by the High Performance Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine conference hosted by our partners at the University of Orléans on May 16. 


May 15 | CONVERGE Application Workshop: Hydrogen

The CONVERGE Application Workshop is a free one-day event focused on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of hydrogen technologies. Our lineup of technical experts will showcase the results of their latest simulation studies and the advances they are making in developing safe and efficient hydrogen devices. Furthermore, our own Convergent Science engineers will demonstrate CONVERGE’s solutions for overcoming the challenges of hydrogen CFD simulations.


Registration : CONVERGE Application Workshop: Hydrogen (